5. You don’t know how to deal with your feelings when you see explicit Nutella images.
Flickr: grisha7 / Via Creative Commons
7. You would not hesitate to crawl inside this Nutella and banana panini.
Flickr: andurinha / Via Creative Commons
This is your home now.
12. You can’t tell if you died of happiness or simply died choking on so much hazelnut spread.
Flickr: indianadinos / Via Creative Commons
14. Seeing an empty Nutella jar makes you want to scream “Noooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!” into the night.
Flickr: bioxid / Via Creative Commons
But you would dive head first into that crepe cake.
16. Your Nutella-related actions make other people uncomfortable.
Flickr: jakerlevine / Via Creative Commons
17. Basically, Nutella makes you lose your entire sense of reality.
Flickr: artnbarb / Via Creative Commons
Nutella is a lifestyle.